
How To Connect a Generator To Your House?

Getting the generator is the only way to be safe from an unannounced power outage. You always need to be prepared in case there is a power cut down, and if you have already bought a generator for that, it is time to set it up in your house.

For connecting your generator to the house, you either need to connect each appliance individually through a cord or connect them together with the help of a transfer switch. Want to know more about how to connect a generator to your house? Keep reading.

Ways To Connect A Generator With a House

As we already told you, there are two basic ways by which you can connect a generator to your house. Both are highly efficient and convenient, and it all comes down to your priority and preference. What way are you going to pick?

Using Cords

In the first method, you need to connect each appliance you want to run in case of a power outage to your generator. This connection is made by using cords, and it is effortless to connect them to your generator.

Using Transfer Switch

In the second method, you connect all the appliances to the power circuit in the transfer switch to provide them power altogether. This method is a bit hassle-free for many people, which is why most people prefer this way of connecting a generator to their house.


But, whatever way you pick, make sure that the connection you are building is safe, and you should not be doing it all alone. It is essential to be under the supervision of an expert at all times, no matter how you choose to build a connection between your generator and house.

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How To Connect Generators To Your House Using Cords?

Connecting a generator with the help of cords is a comparatively uncomplicated method, even though you must go through some hassle connecting each cord with appliances. But, ensure that you follow the safety precautions before going for the procedure itself.

Reading your generator’s manual is very important if you want to connect it more efficiently and safely because the manual has all the information about connecting a generator to your house using cords and where to insert cords, etc. The warning of not connecting your generator directly to your wall sockets is also written on the manual, so do not skip it.

Step 1:

Check whether or not all the things you need for this connection are available.

Step 2:

Take away the generator at least 10 feet from your house to develop a connection safely.

Step 3:

Here, you have two options. You can connect your generator to appliances by using one gen cord or using different cords for different appliances.

Step 4:

Develop a proper connection between cords and generators.

Step 5:

Run a safety check and make sure that everything is safe and secure.

Step 6:

It is time for a test run.

How To Connect A Generator To The House Using Transfer Switch?

The transfer switch is yet another great option to make your connection safer, and it does not require multiple cords for connection, so people often prefer a transfer switch over the other modes of developing a connection.

There are specific instructions in the manual for connecting your generator with a transfer switch so make sure to go through the manual. Following is a step-by-step guide for using the transfer switch method.

Step 1:

Bring your generator out of the house for a safe connection.

Step 2:

Make sure that the installation of the transfer switch is complete.

Step 3:

You need a cord to develop a connection between the transfer switch and the generator. Insert one side of the cord into the generator and the other side into the transfer switch.

Step 4:

It is the right time to start the generator but be careful.

Step 5:

The transfer switch has two options; line and generator power. You need to flip this switch to generator power, and your appliances will start running on the generator.

Step 6:

Turn on all the circuits you want to use on your generator but do it one by one.


Consider the size of your generator before buying the connection equipment like transfer switches or cords.

What Type Of Transfer Switch Is Best For You?

If you are wondering whether you can pick a transfer switch randomly or if there is a particular process for that too, you don’t have to wonder anymore. You do not randomly pick a transfer switch; and instead, your transfer switch needs to be highly compatible with your generator.

You will only be able to get the most out of your generator if your transfer switch is powerful enough to let your generator work to its fullest. Your generator’s maximum load and transfer switch should be identical for a better connection.

All you need to do to pick the right transfer switch is look at the largest outlet of your generator and buy the transfer switch of the same power. For example, if 60 amps are the largest outlet of your generator, then you should buy a transfer switch of 60 amps too for maximum performance.

50A 5500 transfer switch by Spartan Power

A great option for automatic transfer switches is the 50A 5500 transfer switch by Spartan Power. This transfer switch gives you room for maximum customization in case of recovery voltage and cut-off. It also has the capacity of around 50-amp power transfer. Moreover, it comes with a warranty of two years.

Go Power TS-30 30 Amp Automatic Transfer Switch

Another great transfer switch is the Go Power TS-30 30 Amp Automatic Transfer Switch. It is known to tackle two different 30-amp power sources simultaneously and can be used for all conventional and inverter generators. Installing this transfer switch is very easy, as it also comes with knockouts.

How To Install Transfer Switch?

You need an expert generator electrician to install a transfer switch because you cannot do it independently if you don’t have prior experience with wires.

Installing a transfer switch is very dangerous and intricate work, and it requires an expert, so it is better to call an electrician to complete the installation.

However, if you have experience installing different electric appliances earlier and can work with wires safely, it won’t be that big of a hassle for you. You just need to determine what circuits would you be moving to your transfer switch from the main circuit board.

That’s not it because you will also need to consider the appliances that you want to run on the generator while moving circuits, and you cannot exceed the power range of your generator while doing so. It sounds quite a hassle, but an expert can do it in a matter of minutes.

Moreover, people who have universal transfer switches don’t have to choose circuits, but all they need to do is to set up the priority levels of electric appliances while considering their generator size.

What Type Of Cords Are Best For You?

If you think that going for the transfer switch process is not possible for you (although we highly recommend it), then you can always go for the cording process in which we connect the appliances with the generator using a cord. Now, the interesting thing is that there are multiple types of this cord.

So, we will find out what type of cords are best for you so you can buy the one according to the size of your generator and get the answer of how to connect a generator to your house.

Gen Cords

Gen cord is the most common cord used in generators mainly because it is perfect for medium-sized generators. It also provides a secure connection to your appliances very conveniently.

For developing a connection between your generator and appliances, you need to connect your gen cord with the power outlet. The other end of the gen cord will be connected to all the devices you want to run on your generator.

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Extension Cord

Extension cords are not suitable for large-sized generators at all, and most people use these cords only because they are super cheap and easy to get. You cannot get the most out of your generator while using extension cords, so I would not recommend these at all.

These cords are not safe to use either, and they should not be used in harsh conditions because they can cause fire and shock. If your generator is small and you don’t need to run as many appliances, only then you can use an extension cord but make sure that it is of high quality.

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Power Transfer Cords

These cords are made specifically for bigger generators, and they are very safe, convenient, and efficient. Power transfer cords allow you to run a generator to its maximum potential even during a heavy storm.

The best type of cord for you is the power transfer system because it is very powerful and does not pose any obvious harm to your safety.

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AlSO READ: How Long Can a Generator Run?


We hope that this article was helpful for you and that now you know how to connect a generator to your house. Make sure to follow all the safety precautions for a safe and convenient connection.

Lastly, it is better to develop a connection of your generator using a transfer switch because it is a lot safer. uses affiliate links (No Additional Cost For You). As an Amazon Associate, I earn when you purchase Using My Affiliate Link. Learn more.


Hi, Welcome to; My name is Shahzad, and I know about generators because I grew up in a country where power outage is very common. I share Tips, How-To, News, and Reviews for the best generators or anything related to generators.

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